CaseWorthy™ features Spatial Data Reporting

CaseWorthy, Inc. is pleased to announce Spatial Data Reporting as a standard feature in our CaseWorthy™ application suite. “Data is King,” says Scott Argeris, President of CaseWorthy, “but only if organizations are able to see it, retrieve it and learn from it.” We know Health and Human Services (HHS) organizations rely on key data results for future funding and finding those individuals who need their services. Spatial data reporting allows organizations flexibility to retrieve information when they need it in a clear precise way!

Spatial data functionality provides the capability to analyze data utilizing maps to identify an area for reporting. It allows organizations to graphically outline and identify any territory via a mapping image. Organizations can outline specific geographical areas down to a zip code, city, neighborhood, street, etc. Spatial data functionality utilizes latitude and longitude points that are automatically captured for every address stored in the database. The software graphically produces information to populate charts, graphs and reports that are easy to understand. All of this is available to users with no technical expertise required.

Spatial Data Reporting integrates with all of the CaseWorthy™ reporting tools. The new CaseWorthy™ Analytics ad-hoc reporting tool also takes advantage of these capabilities. This combination provides our clients with endless permutations of data reporting capability. CaseWorthy™ Analytics supports special reporting requirements for grants or funding sources that are typically difficult to capture.

Spatial Data Reporting is just the latest feature that has been developed by our team of in-house software engineers. CaseWorthy, Inc. empowers clients to cross over boundaries and exceed limitations that they may have previously experienced.

CaseWorthy, Inc. is a leading provider of Social Services Technology to include software expertise, and turnkey implementation services. As the developer of the CaseWorthy™ application, CaseWorthy’s goal is to support and enable HHS organizations to realize their missions of creating stronger and healthier people, families and communities. The company recently launched a new website which can be found at


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