Community Options Partners with CaseWorthy, Inc.

Bismarck, ND: Community Options recently selected CaseWorthy, Inc. as their comprehensive, Advanced Case Management database solution for their multitude of Outcomes-Focused, Employment programs and services. Community Options addresses its mission through a variety of support to people with and without disabilities.

About Community Options:

Community Options is a human service agency with a mission to help people live and work in their communities. Community Options is dedicated to support people, through individual choice, to live a lifestyle which gives dignity and respect. Community Options was founded on the belief in providing person-centered services directed by individuals and their families. With expanded services statewide, Community Options provides a variety of programs to people, with and without disabilities.

Our continued commitment is to partner with each individual, their family or guardian, friends, neighbors, co-workers, professionals and employers to attain their desired outcomes and goals. The success of Community Options depends on the satisfaction of the people we serve and the realization of their dreams and goals.


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