Brokerage Case Management Model

In some nonprofit case management scenarios, all a client needs is a little “push” in the right direction. Once they receive comprehensive initial support, they’ll continue building momentum in that direction independently until they reach the outcome. These types of clients may already be experienced with programs, and are typically self-motivated and adaptable.

Additionally, these clients must have minimal personal, mental, or physical limitations that would impact their ability to complete a program. If this is the case for any of your clients, the Brokerage Case Management model may be of use to you. Here are some features that characterize it and make it unique.

Brokerage Case Management Model

Client Independence

In a Brokerage Case Management model scenario, the client does much of the work by themselves, with little intervention or attention from a case manager. The case manager takes a hands-off approach while still checking in regularly, and serves primarily as a coordinator of care and client services. Their focus is on assessing needs, planning a strategy for service delivery, and connecting clients to community resources.

The brokerage case management model is only effective when clients are able to manage their programs and stay on track. These cases often take place over a shorter period of time than others, since these programs are often shorter-term and simpler to develop and complete. A case manager may still have a significant amount of work to do initially to build a program, but once it has been set up, the client can take over.

This case management style seeks to maintain client independence as much as possible. However, if needed, a program managed through a Brokerage case management model could potentially transition into a more in-depth program based on a different model depending on the organization and its level of functionality. Some examples of services that can be coordinated through a Brokerage program include job coaching/job searching, psychotherapy, and the occasional delivery of essential goods like food and clothing.

Different Workflow

Social worker using CaseWorthy's case management software to apply the brokerage case management model

In the Brokerage case management model, the case manager’s workflow will look significantly different than in other scenarios. As a case coordinator, they can handle multiple clients and tasks at once, and much of the work is office-based. Since there’s less interaction between the case manager and the client, case managers can focus on multiple clients at a time.

These programs are simpler to manage and often rely on other professionals assigned to the client to help get work done. However, this can lead to a greater need for organization, since it’s still important to see clients as people rather than as numbers in a system. Clients may check in with their case manager for occasional assistance, but otherwise, this is largely a case management type that doesn’t require a huge amount of communication. Additionally, there’s less emphasis on monitoring or measuring outcomes, as case managers provide the plan and let clients keep track of their end goals themselves.

Program Intensiveness

Social worker writing case notes in CaseWorthy as he uses the brokerage case management modelManaging a client through a Brokerage case management model doesn’t necessarily mean that the client’s programs will be any less intensive or in-depth than other cases. It means that responsibility for the completion of programs or delivery of services is facilitated by other professionals and the clients themselves. For instance, a client may have a rehabilitative need such as getting back to work after an injury, and they may be assigned to a licensed physical therapist and/or a personal trainer to help them regain function.

This kind of program requires significant work, but if the client is able to do the work without much input from a case manager, a Brokerage model could potentially work in this scenario. As long as the client is able to regularly attend the program and benefit from it, the case manager will only need to track the program to ensure it goes smoothly and make sure the client is motivated and happy with continuing.

Custom Case Management Solutions

No matter what case management model(s) your nonprofit uses on a daily basis, your staff needs a tool that can help them build programs and deliver services to clients. Since out-of-the-box solutions don’t always work the best, it’s important to have the option of using a customized resource to help you manage your clients on a day to day basis. CaseWorthy is built for this purpose and has helped many organizations streamline their work, increase their efficiency, and help more people.


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