Letter From the President – CaseWorthy software continues to meet client demands

This time of year is special to me since we have a variety of business conferences.  Attending these events gives me the opportunity to meet with existing clients as well as new prospects.  Working the front line provides me with valuable insight to make sure the CaseWorthy™ software continues to meet client demands today and into the future.

This month I had the pleasure to spend a week in Vancouver working the National United Way conference.  This conference attracts United Way providers from all over the globe.  CaseWorthy, Inc., is starting to work closely with strategic United Way organizations throughout the US.  These projects cover specific United Way needs such as Grants Management, Volunteer Management, and Directly Managed programs.  In addition, CaseWorthy™ can address the shift to a Community-Wide Impact model that many United Way organizations are adopting.  The CaseWorthy™ solution can support all of these needs with a single software platform.

The second trip was the Goodwill market at their National Goodwill Spring Conference.  The meeting this year was located in Indianapolis and was focused on employment services and technology.  CaseWorthy, Inc., has a strong presence in this market with significant growth expected over the next 12 months.  Our very special partner Goodwill of North Georgia requested we co-present the Employment Career Portal.  This was a special time to meet many existing clients and have a forum to present to many interested organizations.

I firmly believe that meeting with clients and prospects regularly provides the instant feedback that allows organizations to self-correct and provide the very best software and services in any given market.  I know I have walked away better prepared to navigate the needs of these wonderful markets.


Scott T. Argeris



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