Denver Rescue Mission

Denver Rescue Mission Simplified Their Daily Operations and Reporting

The Challenge

Denver Rescue Mission (DRM) is the oldest, full-service Christian organization in the Rocky Mountain region. They have been meeting the needs of the poor and homeless through emergency services, community outreach, long-term rehabilitation, transitional programs and assistance for permanent housing since 1892.

As Denver Rescue Mission continued to thrive, they realized their homegrown databases were unable to keep up with their needs. They needed a case management system that could put all of their information in one location. They were struggling to run accurate reports and outcomesStaying HMIS compliant also became a challenge. Simply put, they were wasting valuable time and money and had outgrown their current system.

About Denver Rescue Mission

Denver Rescue Mission has six different locations throughout Denver and two in northern Colorado. Each location serves a unique and vital role in helping address issues related to homelessness and in helping those experiencing homelessness to return to society as productive, self-sufficient citizens.

Programs Offered
  • Emergency Services
  • Community Outreach
  • Long-term rehabilitation programs
  • Transitional programs
  • Assistance for permanent housing
We chose CaseWorthy because of their advanced technology—constantly growing its case management software. They are dependable, constantly solving problems, and always keep up with our needs at the Denver Rescue Mission.
John Morarie
Manager of Impact and Strategic Initiatives for Denver Rescue Mission

How We Helped

A Single, Centralized Database

Having a single database and the ability to securely share data at the various mission locations offers case workers a more complete view of the people they’re helping, and all of the services being offered.

Customizable Forms with ApBuilder™

With ApBuilder™, everything from personalized dashboards to configurable forms and workflow can now be customized in-house to capture the data and create the reports DRM needs. Program administrators can easily set up rules and conditions to establish when certain information or prompts should be displayed, when alerts should be sent and to whom, and to determine program eligibility, specific workflow steps, and more.

Automated Incident Reporting

CaseWorthy helped DRM create specific teams and rules around who was to be notified of an incident, based on the severity level. Now, when filling out an incident report online, the employee simply chooses the appropriate severity level and the report goes out to the appropriate team. This removes the guesswork about who should receive the email or text alert.

Scan Card Implementation

Replacing paper vouchers with scan cards sped up client identification and check-ins and improved the accuracy of people counts. Now each location knows who is in a facility at any given time. This helps to ensure the safety of shelter guests.

Staying Ahead of Technology

Denver Rescue Mission has always been impressed with how CaseWorthy has been ahead of current case management technology. Through the years, CaseWorthy has continued to develop their case management software to adapt to an ever-changing HMIS and n

There’s no pocket of our organization that doesn’t use CaseWorthy in some form or version. Most of us use it as an integral part of our everyday business.
John Morarie
Manager of Impact and Strategic Initiatives for Denver Rescue Mission

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