Connect all your social services in your community with one single database!

Connect all your social services in your community with one single database!

As Community Action Partnership (CAP) agencies across the country strive to meet the needs of their clients there can be a lot of information coming in from all the different social services and programs in your community.  With CaseWorthy’s, “No Wrong Door” Eligibility approach you can pre-determine criteria set up by each participating organization, the […]

CaseBot – CaseWorthy’s New Self-Service Reporting Tool

CaseBot - CaseWorthy's New Self-Service Reporting Tool

Have you ever wanted to add reports to your dashboards and have your own self-reporting tool? Now you can with CaseWorthy’s new unique business intelligence tool- CaseBot!  This new tool is taking CaseWorthy’s reporting to the next level. You can create your own reports – from simple to complex on your own.  CaseBot turns YOU […]

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