Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula Tracks Student Success with CaseWorthy Software

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula (BGCP) recently launched phase 1 of the CaseWorthy software solution. BGCP offers after school and summer learning programs for K-12 students at 12 locations in California. For a small subset of students, the organization also provides more intensive case management services.

BGCP uses CaseWorthy to track student attendance in various programs. Additional details about participation can be recorded in online case notes. The application also allows BGCP to track student success though GPAs, test results, attendance, grade completion, and more. The partnership is off to a great start and has already streamlined efficiency in the classrooms! Having the CaseWorthy technology in place will go a long way towards proving the correlation between school success and BGCP’s offerings.

“CaseWorthy has helped our organization measure the type and frequency of services students are receiving. Our hope is to learn from the data we collect using CaseWorthy and make a greater impact on the lives of our students.”   -Erica Hooton, Manager, Impact & Evaluation for BGCP


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