Market Trend – Measuring Outcomes and Social Impact

The Nonprofit, Health and Human Services (HHS) and Social Services industry is evolving rapidly in how its organizations measure the success of their various programs and services.  In the past, measurements were typically based on how many services were provided or the number of days in a program, etc. Basically, counting activities.  This legacy approach of only determining “how many” is simply that; how many were served based on programs or demographic data.  We find more and more agencies moving toward a model that measures program or organization performance based on outcomes.  A colleague of mine makes the following elevator pitch… “Move from how many to how well.”  Organizations are beginning to identify annually the desired outcomes for programs and monitor actual results reflecting true social impact.

The demands to measure “how well” and for agencies to be more outcome-based are likely a result of the maturity level of program managers, staff, funders, executives and board members.   Funders are asking for both services provided and more outcome-based reporting.  Today’s Board Members are more seasoned and corporate America as baby boomers are starting to have a much bigger impact on data requirements.  These requirements are resulting in legacy systems being replaced with broad, more customizable database solutions that focus on the quality of Case Management Systems and outcomes, resulting in more qualitative and quantitative reporting systems.    

At CaseWorthy, Inc., we provide an outcome focused, enterprise-wide framework of application solutions, configuration, and customization tools, and a powerful reporting and analytics framework.  The enterprise-wide solution allows organizations to easily budget and record services and outcomes based upon data collected throughout their daily work.  Reminders, Configurable Alerts, and Ad-hoc and Scheduled Reporting allow organizations to have timely, current information on the status of their budgeted and actual projections.  Displaying the data in charts and graphs with drill-down capabilities provides the graphical and visual information needed to make informed strategic decisions.

-Brian Bingel, Chief Executive Officer


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