Top 5 Head Start / Early Head Start data collection features in CaseWorthy™

CaseWorthy’s new comprehensive functionality for Head Start / Early Head Start Programs are a multi-agency solution. CaseWorthy promotes community-wide collaboration and strengthens partnerships within child and family services organizations such as Head Start / Early Head Start by allowing the various providers, funders, and community organizations to share information appropriately and safely in a format that is flexible, secure, and easy to use.

Funding for Head Start / Early Head Start programs (including some ECE/ECI curriculum) supports services for birth to 5 or 6 year old children by providing preschool programs, health and nutrition services, parenting assistance, and family support.  The CaseWorthy Head Start and Early Head Start Advanced Case Management functionality has made it much easier for agencies to not only track daily program and service activity, but also report the Outcomes directly related to these program and service activities via the Program Information Report (PIR) and other easy to create Ad-Hoc reports. 

The Top 5 Features of CaseWorthy Head Start / Early Head Start functionality are:

  • Automatic Email and/or Text Alert notifications for upcoming assessments and appointments
  • Check-In and Check-Out of preschool services
  • Advanced Case Notes including Electronic Signatures, Document Management and Auto-Calculations and Auto-Scoring within assessments and program forms
  • IEPs and IFSPs tracked easily in CaseWorthy™
  • Program Information Report (PIR) Compliance Reporting with detailed monitoring drill downs

CaseWorthy is able to capture all of the mission-critical data that your Head Start /Early Head Start programs need such as medical screenings, allergies, medications, immunizations, and chronic conditions. You can also embed automatic Calendar/Scheduling tools to notify your case managers of follow-up assessments and appointments.  CaseWorthy allows all your information to be found in one place and produces your outcomes automatically.

To learn more about our Head Start / Early Head Start Advanced Case Management functionality, or any of our other comprehensive nonprofit, HHS, Government or funder Advanced Case Management functionality, call a Live CaseWorthy representative at 877.347.0877.



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