The Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) partners with CaseWorthy, Inc. for their outcomes data management for A Better Life (ABL) Program

The WHA selection of CaseWorthy included a rigorous RFP process and required the dedication of the WHA data management committee.  A special thank you to Alex Corrales, Executive Director and Carlton Watson, Director of Family & Resident Services for their commitment and dedication to improving the lives of families in the City of Worcester.

Alex Corrales, Executive Director stated, “CaseWorthy has provided the WHA a robust software that provides flexibility and meets the program data needs.”

Worcester Housing Authority (WHA)  – centrally located in central Massachusetts- selected CaseWorthy, Inc. as their comprehensive, Advanced Case Management database solution for their ABL program.

The ABL program is designed to help residents become self-sufficient. It offers interested applicants a faster means to secure an apartment for families compared to the standard waiting time for a public housing apartment.  In return, the applicant agrees to do those things necessary to provide their family with a better life.  

The program that WHA built is based on four pillars:

  1. Believe in the ability of our residents.
  2. Set high standards
  3. Hold residents responsible
  4. Help residents reach those standards.


Mission for The Worcester Housing Authority

To offer its residents a clean, safe and well-maintained living environment in which to live and raise their families.


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