The answer for three major issues facing Health and Human Social Services Organizations!

Lay of the Land:

Health and Human Social Services Organizations are growing more and more proficient in the collection of client data.  This is evident in how organizations are utilizing this data to verify eligibility for programs and services.  This process serves two purposes, to ensure resources are delegated to where they are most needed, and to guarantee vital funding compliance procedures are followed.  While the information is critical to the survival and efficiency of every HHSSO, the steps taken, and resources committed to this process are a time-consuming and a large fiscal expense.

Whether your organization is working on paper forms or the most advanced software system, your organization is still faced with fixed budgets, restricted funding, and reducing cost. All of these outside influences exist while increasing efficiency.  This idea is universal in any organization, but few sectors feel its sting more sorely than Health and Human Social Services Organizations.

As an HHSSO community, there has been a large shift toward electronic data collection and reporting.  With most established providers it is critical to utilize case management software to collect and store data.  The introduction of the “Case Management” software options has reformed the Social Services Industry. CaseWorthy has Revolutionized the industry again by changing the way HHSSO interact with their community.

The Issues:

With the list of challenges facing HHSS organizations growing by the minute, let’s focus on the most impactful as related to increasing efficiency and automating business processes.

  1. Intake and Eligibility – The timely and laborious process of collecting client data, and assessing eligibility.
  2. Service Availability – Verification of availability in your organization’s programs, and the referral out for services that may be exhausted or not offered by your organization.
  3. Access to Client Data Across the Community – What happens to your clients when they walk out the door? What services are they utilizing in the community?  What are the referral outcomes?

The Answer:

Now that we have raised the questions it is time to break down the solution.  Yes, one singular database, the CaseWorthy solution can address all three issues.

The CaseWorthy Connector, is a fully interactive WEB Portal which allows for interaction with your community offered like never before.  CaseWorthy Connector will allow your clients and providers to keep up-to-date profiles, manage schedules, register for classes/events, update availability, submit/receive documents, and much more…

Here are just a few uses for CaseWorthy Connector:

  • Employment
    • Interactive Workflow with Suggestions based on Client Credentials, Application Builder, Employer Profile, Job Order Submission, Placements and Retentions…
  • Kiosk / Client Self Managing Functionality
    • Appointment Calendars, Profile Configuration, Self-Assessment, Document Submission, Etc…
  • Grant Management
    • Applicant Profile, Application Submission Workflow, Document Submission and Annotation, Application Review and Scoring, Grant Award, Invoice Submission, Budgeting with Real-Time Drawdown…
  • Fully Integrated/Connected to CaseWorthy
    • Local Configuration with the CaseWorthy apBuilder™ Toolset.
  • Other Portal Features
    • Provider Profile, Volunteer Management, Student Profile for Parents, Community Outreach, Event Management…

Imagine the power at your fingertips, with all client information flowing to a singular database, for you to mine, compare, and extract in real-time with the robust CaseWorthy Analytics Reporting Engine.

Here at CaseWorthy our goal is simple, Revolutionize Health and Human Social Services Software!

For more information, please call (877)347-0877 to speak with a CaseWorthy representative, or visit us at


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