CaseWorthy™, the Key to Managing your Data and Outcomes

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are being required to track, monitor and provide outcome measurements to funders and stakeholders. This requirement may be dependent upon an NPO’s ability to seek out new funding opportunities and maintain existing funds. In a resource-restricted environment, it is more imperative these days that NPOs invest in a case management tool to meet these regulatory demands. This article provides insight into why even small NPOs must place a greater emphasis on outcomes measurement, reporting, and transparency. The article offers great information on the needs and challenges of performance management. CaseWorthy, Inc., (CaseWorthy) has many customers that have now worked through this and are currently demonstrating their impact to donors and the community. CaseWorthy provides a premier state of the art tool for demonstrating positive performance and satisfying compliance and requirements.

In the article, How Non-Profits can Measure Outcomes and Why They Should, Ken Berger, former President and CEO of Charity Navigator, sums up the hopes of all of us that nonprofits can and will become more accountable: “Dr. Penna and I both share a dream that, thanks to these tools, someday the most effective and efficient nonprofits will get the vast majority of investment in the time and treasure of our society….Stories are important, but without data to back them up, they are largely meaningless in the bigger picture of changing our world for the better.”

To learn more about CaseWorthy™ and what it can do for your nonprofit organization, please call (877) 347-0877 to speak with a CaseWorthy, Inc., representative or visit us at



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