CaseWorthy, Inc.’s, Team Meets Compliance Deadlines

CaseWorthy takes great pride in meeting our client needs.  Recently, we have been recognized for our hard work and our commitment to meeting our compliance deadlines.  CaseWorthy, Inc., received the following communication from one of our clients, Community Council of St. Charles, referencing the new SSVF and HMIS data standards.

Thanks for your quick reply. As always, CaseWorthy is so responsive. In fact, I can share that I was on a HUD webinar yesterday for the Rocky Mountain region of HMIS Lead Agencies, where we talked about the HUD standards for October 1.  You should know that CaseWorthy was the only HMIS vendor who has met HUD’s expectations for being ready, working with their clients and allowing for ample testing.  Several vendors are nowhere near ready for the deadline.”

At CaseWorthy we offer compliance reporting in every major market that we serve, including HMIS, CAP, Goodwill, HIV/AIDS, Catholic Charities, and more.  To learn more about CaseWorthy™ and what it can do for your nonprofit organization, please call (877) 347-0877 to speak with a CaseWorthy, Inc., representative or visit us at


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