Here’s Why Nonprofits are Good for Business

Through partnerships with nonprofits, many for-profit businesses are seeing positive results

Did you know that Hanes partners with The Salvation Army to cloth the homeless with socks, the number 1 requested article of clothing for the homeless? How about Jack Link’s, who partnered with Team Rubicon to build public awareness for disaster relief? Lastly, what about Abercrombie & Fitch, which has partnered with The Trevor Project since 2010 to raise over $1 million and design gender-neutral clothes in support of the LGBTQ community.

Nonprofit & Corporate Partnerships

These are prime examples of how nonprofits can leverage their for-profit counterparts to further their mission. The benefits can be quantified in 3 ways:

  • Raising additional funds
  • Building awareness of your cause
  • Increasing public response through donations and volunteering

But these partnerships are not a one-way street. They are mutually beneficial to both the nonprofits and the for-profit businesses:

  • Employee morale, engagement, & retention
  • Marketing and brand recognition
  • Public image and improved consumer confidence


How can you implement a corporate-nonprofit partnership?

Workplace-Giving Program Cash & In-Kind Donations Skills-Based Volunteering Corporate Sponsorship Cause Marketing

With many organizations fighting to keep up with the increases in funding needed to continue operations, it’s easy to forget that corporations have a vested interest in helping you out. Next time you reach out to pitch a partnership with a for-profit business, remind them of the benefits and offer options to partner in innovative ways.


Connect with a Case Management Expert

If your nonprofit needs a centralized system to keep track of clients, donors, and any other stakeholders for your organization, CaseWorthy can help!


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