How to Talk to Your CEO about Purchasing a Case Management Software

As you work with and advocate for clients, you learn their needs and pain points. You may also identify areas where your organization’s processes can improve. After all, as a case manager, you’re performing intakes, jotting down notes, and more. Sometimes, the administrative aspects of the job that focus on data entry and record-keeping take up valuable time that could be spent with clients or on other tasks. Investing in a robust case management system–like CaseWorthy–can transform the way your organization operates, but starting that conversation with higher-ups may feel intimidating. 

Here’s a guide to help you address some of the questions your CEO or supervisor may have so you feel more prepared heading into an initial conversation about case management software conversion.


What is case management software?

Case management software supports nonprofits by providing a centralized solution for data storage, client coordination, and reporting. CaseWorthy is totally customizable, but even right out of the box, our software has everything you need to start shaving down time spent on administrative tasks, demonstrating your organization’s ROI, and enhancing data availability to improve client outcomes.

Why does your organization need case management software?

Each day, you meet with clients, perform intakes, update records, and coordinate services. It’s a lot to juggle–and the right case management tool makes the tedious parts of your jobs a little easier so you can focus on the people in front of you. Case management software isn’t just convenient to have–it can revolutionize the way your human services nonprofit operates.

Here are some key points to highlight when discussing a new software solution with upper management:

  1. Input, access, and report data within a seamless, centralized platform. CaseWorthy eliminates the need for other tools and streamlines your processes. 
  2. Case management software saves time, improves efficiency, and reduces errors. By automating tedious tasks, data duplication and other common mistakes are less likely to occur.
  3. Virtual case management is on the rise. Now more than ever before, clients are meeting with their case managers in virtual environments. The right software can make it easier to hold meetings, share files, and even perform intakes.
  4. Better data management makes it easier to demonstrate proof of impact. Numbers don’t lie–and case management software compiles data into meaningful reports tailored to your organization, making it easier to demonstrate your organization’s impact to donors and funding agencies.

CaseWorthyConvincing nonprofit leaders to invest in a case management software

Be honest about the struggles you’re facing.

To collaborate on investing in a new software solution with your leadership, you have to first articulate the challenges you face at work. If you’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with your caseload, your supervisor will want to know to help you deliver care coordination and case management for your clients. Starting a conversation with your leadership is the first step to identifying which software solution will work best for your organization.

Tailor your conversation to the individual.

Depending on your role and the size of your organization, it may not make sense for you to approach a CEO or COO directly. But if you are able to access someone with purchasing power, try to frame your request in a way that will resonate with them. Typically these discussions revolve around two ideas: process improvement and outcomes. If your leader is more interested in big ideas, outcomes, and the top-level view, focus on how better case management software will help your organization achieve its mission by better serving clients. If your leader likes data, help them understand where you’re seeing opportunities to tweak processes and gain day-to-day efficiencies.

Here’s a downloadable one-sheet that’s ready for you to use, highlighting ways that case management software can help your organization achieve its long-term goals and streamline the day-to-day.

The upfront cost might be high, but the investment is worth it.

Case management software is an investment, and at first software conversion in itself can seem like a hurdle. Think about it this way: if a case manager frees up 30 minutes a day due to gained software efficiencies, over the course of a year, those minutes add up to an average of $5,200 in wages. 

Estimate how much time you’re using organizing data, and then imagine what you can do with a robust software system that does some of the work for you.

We are confident that you’ll see return on your investment. We’ve compiled our top tips for maximizing ROI quickly once you’ve got CaseWorthy set up. Feel free to send this link to upper management if you’re concerned this could be a sticking point.


We’re here for you.

If you’re a case manager, and you think software like ours could help your organization, we’d love to hear from your team.


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