Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Partners with CaseWorthy, Inc.

KANSAS CITY, MO:  CaseWorthy, Inc., is excited to announce their new partnership with Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) as the Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS) that will enable Kansas City area agencies to securely share information and better coordinate the delivery of services. 

As stated in MARC’s press release, “We are excited about the potential that the new HMIS system (CaseWorthy™) offers for our local agencies,” said Greg Porter, chair of the Greater Kansas City Coalition to End Homelessness (GKCCEH). “The new system will help our agencies coordinate intake for those seeking assistance, share information to ensure clients receive the services they need, and generate reports and track trends to help the community understand and respond to needs for stable housing.”   

The new system will:

  • Allow for easy tracking of clients to ensure that their needs are well defined
  • Enable case managers to identify programs from which clients are eligible to receive services
  • Allow for appropriate referrals and track delivery of services
  • Allow agencies to use the system for their own case management, as well as interagency coordination
  • Allow for completion of standardized forms and assessment tools to collect information
  • Allow agencies and the community to design customized workflows such as coordinated intake and generate a variety of reports

Mid-America Regional Council

MARC is a nonprofit association of city and county governments and the metropolitan planning organization for the bi-state Kansas City region.  Governed by a Board of Directors made up of local elected officials, they serve nine counties and 119 cities.  They provide a forum for the region to work together to advance social, economic, and environmental progress. MARC serves as the HMIS Lead Agency for two Continuum of Care organizations serving three metro area counties.

About CaseWorthy, Inc.

CaseWorthy™ is an Outcomes-focused, organization-wide, Advanced Case Management database software solution for nonprofits and Health and Human/Social Services (HHS) agencies that automates and simplifies the data management and funder compliance process so agencies can prove their evidence of social impact in the communities they serve. 


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