Standard Community Care Case Management Models

The Standard Community Care Model: Traditional case management with personalization options.

The Standard Community Care case management model is one of the most straightforward and simple methods that a case worker or human services organization can use to manage cases. It focuses primarily on the delivery of services, and in many scenarios allows clients the freedom and space to work their programs themselves. Depending on the sub-model that an organization decides to adopt, case managers can be present either as program coordinators/administrators or as coordinators who double as guides.

Standard Community Care Case Management Models

The Sub-Models of Standard Community Care

Standard Community Care can be split into two sub-models depending on the preference of the organization in question: Brokerage Case Management and Clinical Case Management.

Brokerage Case Management

This sub-model is the most hands-off approach to case management. It allows case managers to perform care coordination tasks from an office without engaging in much personalized work. While they may still regularly check in on their clients, this model typically works best with clients who don’t require as much hands-on attention. Case managers who use this model primarily assess needs and delegate tasks to their clients—case managers are there to help guide clients to the services and solutions that would benefit them and let clients walk that path mostly independently. Many programs, especially complex programs that require a longer commitment, are more in-depth than the ones brokerage case management is intended for. However, this is a good model for any client who just needs a hand up and is interested in working a program with minimal supervision.

Some significant aspects in Brokerage Case Management include:


  • Less emphasis on monitoring clients or measuring outcomes—allowing the client the opportunity to do the work themselves
  • Case managers can work with multiple Brokerage clients at once since the workload is light
  • Clients may check in with their case manager, but the client still largely stays independent while working the plan that has been created for them

Clinical Case Management

The Clinical Case Management model is essentially Brokerage Case Management with a more hands-on approach. It’s meant to assist people who need a little more guidance working  through their program. The case manager is also often the client’s clinician or care provider, administering and walking the client through their plan. The case manager may also be a counselor of some sort, providing valuable mental health or services, addiction/substance abuse recovery support, or treatment for serious or chronic health conditions. When a case manager is able to work this closely with a client, they often begin to see and better understand the client’s motivations and needs. From there, they can adjust or redirect the program to better meet the client’s needs. They may also encourage their clients to find other community resources and outside support, such as family and friends, coworkers, and other people in similar programs.

Some significant aspects of Clinical Case Management include:CaseWorthy

  • Ability to help the client address social, emotional, and mental barriers to services, and increase motivation levels
  • Cases can be managed over an extended and/or unspecified period of time—gives the client the opportunity to work the program at their own pace while still receiving support from their case manager
  • Each case manager can only have one or a few clients since this model is more individualized and in-depth

CaseWorthy can help your staff navigate different case management styles!

Our case management software has the configurability and flexibility to perform any case management task your staff may face. From advanced data input and automation to simple metrics and reporting, it can handle any caseload or case management model that your staff uses. Additionally, with virtual case management techniques becoming far more commonly used, our CommHUB feature allows you the ability to interact, collaborate, and build relationships with your clients in a simple, intuitive, accessible way through the use of various remote work technologies. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you with case management, contact us today. We’d love to talk with you!


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