Clinical Case Management

Clinical case management is a more in-depth form of the Standard Community Care model in which case managers exercise more oversight over a program than in the Brokerage model. They often serve as clinicians or primary care providers to their clients, providing specialized care and in-depth program coordination. The case manager is more focused on individual clients and tracks their progress and outcomes, guiding them with a helping hand through their programs. Because of the case manager’s involvement in the program, they’re more likely to understand the client’s needs and address them in a positive, adaptive manner. Here are some features that characterize clinical case management.

Clinical Case Management

Client Counseling

If the case manager serves as some type of counselor or clinician, they’re usually more able to help the client navigate the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of their program. They can empower their clients to keep going and assist them with regular appointments. Working closely with the client in this way, the case manager will get to know the client better and have a clearer picture of their scenario and how to address their needs.

The case manager will not necessarily be the only person providing this care. It’s still their job to refer a client to other resources and other professionals, including licensed therapists, life coaches, or physical therapists, if they don’t have the necessary skills or credentials to help in a certain area. However, they still often provide light behavioral/mental/physical rehabilitation or counseling services. Some program types that may work well under a clinical case management model include long-term behavioral and mental health services, educational assistance, and senior client care.

Long-Term CareCaseWorthy

Clinical cases usually occur over an extended or unspecified period of time. Because the client in this model of case management may have specific needs that require prolonged support and supervision, it’s important to understand that this model focuses more on program quality than on how long it lasts. The point is to cater the program to the needs of the client and make sure it’s actually helping them reach their goals and outcomes. The case manager will keep track of progress over time, offer suggestions for improvement, and show the client how to reach out to friends, family members, and community resources for help.



Deeper Case Manager-Client Relationships

In clinical case management, case managers usually have fewer clients so they can better focus on one at a time. They build rapport with their clients and learn about them and their situations, while also ensuring confidentiality. This approach is beneficial because clients receive personal support as they continue working their programs. Granted, this can be stressful or draining for a case manager, which is why it’s important for them to have proper training and the ability to connect with clients without losing touch with their own needs. Nonetheless, clinical case management may still require case managers to work long, irregular, or on-call hours in the office or with their clients.CaseWorthy


Custom Case Management Solutions

Clinical case management is just one way nonprofit organizations can help their clients. But the fact that there are many ways to build and administer a nonprofit program or service displays the need for case management tools that can accommodate many different ways of working. Out-of-the-box solutions don’t always work as case managers need them to, which is why it’s a good idea to look into customized resources. CaseWorthy is built specifically for the needs of nonprofits that deal with a variety of cases and need the benefit of configurability and adaptability. To learn more about what our software has to offer, contact us today!


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