The Building Blocks of Case Management

When Cookie-Cutter Just Won’t Cut it

Quality case management solutions require an “outside the box” mentality that supports data-driven decisions at all levels of the organization. A cookie-cutter system might look great on the outside but what if it’s not able to capture the data needed for compliance or support your unique model of care? More often than not, organizations find themselves putting Band-Aids on the problem leading to user frustration and limiting data utilization. Does your team trust the reporting from your database? Is it a tool in their toolbox to support their important work?  These are all questions to ask for any agency beginning their journey to something better, more meaningful, and supportive to the overall operations of a human service organization.

The Building Blocks of Case Management

This guide will outline a few common scenarios for customizing your case management experience. These can help your organization leverage its systems to their full potential, leading to more efficient work and stronger compliance with accreditation and regulatory bodies. Now is the best time to move your organization to be data-driven and ultimately, work to find more opportunities for individuals where opportunities traditionally lack.

Unique Fields

Nonprofits are often required to report on data specific to their industry for compliance and grant reporting. Custom fields can alleviate the need to pull data from separate locations and drastically cut down on unnecessary work. In turn, this will lead to fewer frustrations by creating unique data entry elements, screens, and even dashboards.

Custom Fields in Case Notes

Acuity Scores

The data you collect can tell a story about your client’s journey. Assessments measuring strengths and needs can be a powerful tool in the service provider’s overall understanding of the who, what, where, when, and why for the service provider and those they serve. Completing intake assessments and leveraging evidence-based measures is nothing new. But can you confidently say your organization leverages this information proactively? Is your information accessible to ensure the data you collect on a service recipient’s needs is leveraged in Case Planning, Case Manager assignments, and overall understanding of the needs of your service population? 

In CaseWorthy, an organization can leverage measures, like acuity, to support the overall case planning process. This includes supporting the service delivery environment with prompts or within workflows supporting the users to complete different steps that your organization specifies and follow your program model. With this information, you will not only be able to support the individual provider and recipient but organizations can have the capacity to take it a step further and better evaluate the needs and priorities of the community they serve.  This empowers organizations to adjust to the ever-changing needs of their community. 

If you can not easily and quickly access data and leverage it to support your data entry process, fidelity to your model of care, and leverage it to better understand your service recipient community, your cookie-cutter system is not meeting the needs of your unique approach to care. 

Process Automation with If/Then Logic

Human service professionals have a full plate. Their database should support their work and guide them through compliance needs so their valuable time and energy can focus on providing quality services. Take the frustration out of the equation with a database that can automate processes by having your software take over some of the leg work.

Using if/then logic via workflows, forms and alerts can be automated to support data entry requirements based on the unique situation of the service recipient. It can recommend classes or case plan goals and provide e-mail reminders. Upon completion, workflows can trigger client surveys to further improve organizational processes, ensuring smooth data entry flows and limiting unnecessary data entry screens or elements.  

Empower your service recipients to self-assess, sign consent forms, upload required documentation, and notify your providers when something is missing. In doing so, your database becomes a tool that supports your mission.


How Does it All Fit Together?

apBuilder is the “secret sauce” behind CaseWorthy’s customization features. The imagination is the limit to modifying your system the way you want it. If you want to learn more or schedule a demo, fill out the form below and one of our case management experts will be in touch!


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